
Social Media Pros And Cons

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What is Social Media Use? Social Media Use is the use of Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, etc. In 2017 around 81% of Americans use social media. In 2008 only 24% of Americans used social media, that is a 57% increase in less than 10 years. In this paper I’m going to talk about, teen use of social media, the long term effects of social media use, and the advantages and disadvantages of social media. Teen Social Media Use. A lot of teens these days use social media. As of February 2017 79% of teens have Snapchat, 76% has Facebook, 73% has Instagram, 40% has Twitter, and so on. The average teen spends nine hours a day on some sort of social media. The most popular with teens is Snapchat and Instagram. Long Term Effects. Spending too much time on social media can affect your health in the long run. The more we stay on social media the less happy we seem. A study done by Forbes a couple of years ago showed that Facebook was linked to less moment-to-moment happiness and life satisfaction. It could lead to jealousy, which could lead to constantly wanting what everyone else has. Pros and Cons of Social Media Some pros of social media would be getting instant feedback on anything you search or lookup. It offers a 24/7 communication page that gives instant feedback to a question. Another pro of social media is education. Some cons of social media are, that it takes a lot of your time up. Another one would be that there is a lot false and unreliable information on the internet. People can go into any website and change anything they want to. In conclusion, social media could be helpful in some ways and awful in other ways. Over the past 10 years’ social media use has increased tremendously, mostly by teens. As well as the long term effects on your health, there are many pros and cons associated with social media use. References Errington, K. Top 10 social media pros and cons. January 15, 2016. Statista. Most popular social media sites used by U.S. teens and young adults in 2017. 2017. Tsukayama, H. Teens spend nearly

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