
Social Media And Its Impact On The Workplace

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Social Media Posts Can Be a Threat to the Career People from almost all age groups, especially the teenagers and adults prefer to socialize through various social media websites for networking and this trend has been increased since the last decade with a wider internet utility. Though the social media websites are not less than any golden opportunity for online marketing in business, however, many cases have been reported for the job dismissals due to the controversial personal posts to the social media by the employees. The posts that have been done to the social media websites can be in the form of personal messages, photos, video clips, audio recordings, and comments on other’s posts. Hollifield, the Winter Part Employment Attorney …show more content…

Though the National Labor Relation Board (NLRB) strives to protect the employee’s rights. Still the employers terminate the employees either legally or illegally while considering their social media posts, with great serendipity. A decision issued by the NLRB board, after detailing the cases in Acting General Counsel memos on September 28, 2012. The salesman was fired from his job a week after posting the photos of an embarrassing car accident while selling the products on Facebook. The act made by the salesman was devastating the company’s service, and was neither concerned, nor protected by the NLRB, led him to lose his job (NLRB 2015). According to a survey report done by the Kelly services with 170,000 people from 30 different countries, 55% of all the participants believe that the use of social media for both the personal and professional posts can cause problems in the workplace (Bennett, 2012). According to a study done by the proof point, many US companies that have hired the employees more than 1000 in number face a real problem with their employees to use social media (Ostrow 2009). Almost 17% of these companies had faced serious disrepute due to the offensive comments on the social media websites (Ostrow 2009). Almost 13% of the US companies have investigated the use of personal text messages that have been found to infringe the company’s law (Ostrow 2009).

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