
Social Media And Its Impact On Society Essay

Decent Essays

In the United States, running for president was hard enough before social media became popular, but now that social media is popular the candidates have to take a different approach than what they used to do. Social media has taken this generation over. As a presidential candidate, they do not only have to impress people on national television, but also on different social media platforms. Most people get their information off of social media platforms, such as Snapchat, Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook. This year’s candidates, Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump, figured out that the fastest way to get their news out was through social media. (Lang) According to the amount of people on social media in November of 2016, Donald Trump leads Hillary Clinton in followers for twitter by 4.1 million, Trump leads Clinton in likes on Facebook with 5 million, Trump leads Clinton on followers on Instagram by 0.4 million, and Clinton has Pinterest which Trump does not and she has 15.8 thousand followers. As a viewer, it is seen that Trump has managed to get more support and followers on all three social media platforms that both has, but he has spent less money than her on the advertisements for social media. Alexander Neely has explained that Trump has spent $17.3 million and Clinton has spent $35.4 million. He has spent less money because he "perfected the use of social media and earned media to drive recognition." (Neely) Therefore, even though Trump has spent less money on social

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