
Soccer Is The World Greatest Sport Essay

Decent Essays

Soccer, The World’s Greatest Sport Soccer has dated back as far as 2500BC. It remains known as one of the oldest sports acknowledged to man. There is a great deal to understand about soccer. For now, let us just stick with the basics. The Chinese were believed to be the first originators of the game. Furthermore soccer evolved from there. As every other sport, soccer has rules and regulations that must be followed. The essential objective of soccer is to acquire the ball into the opposing teams’ goal. Playing soccer requires only the feet, unless you are the goalie. Using of the head and chest when the ball is in the air is a useful skill to have. To commence, the ball is placed in the center of the field. Each team has their own side to play on. However, if a player crosses the line before the whistle is blown will not be allowed and will result in a redo. The referee at that point blows the whistle. The game officially begins. Soccer consists of two forty-five minute halves in the game with a fifteen to twenty minute halftime. There are eleven players on each side of the field. The team consists of the goalkeeper, defenders, midfielders, and strikers. In the end, whoever scores the greatest amount of goals will be victorious. …show more content…

Soccer began during the Tsin Dynasty (255-206BC). In China, soccer was entitled something different, ‘Tsu-Chu’ or ‘kickball’ as translated. Soldiers competed in a training activity featuring a leather ball being kicked between two poles.” Eventually other countries began to hear about the game. In modern Europe, soccer began to evolve from the 9th century. Codification of soccer came from the public schools of Britain at the beginning of the 16th century. As a result, in 1863 soccer officially became a sport with an established set of

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