
Smoke Free Simulation Paper

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Though previously smoking was conventional in workplaces, times has revolutionized; people became progressively conscious of the negative influence of smoking on health. The employees who had never smoked became outspoken regarding the stench of smoke and the prospective negative effects of second-hand smoke on their well-being. (Heathfield, S., 2016)
Employers initially constructed charming smoking zones, designating for employees as a smokers' lounge; however, the concept, satisfied no one, considering, non-smokers customarily endured walking through clouds of smoke to reach work. Employers desired the smoking accommodations close to their jobs as possible, therefore, employees required less time for their smoke breaks. (Heathfield, …show more content…

In calculating the economic influence of smoke-free policies and laws, the Surgeon General considered their constructive effect in decreasing health care costs. Utilizing a simulation prototype, the Surgeon General concluded, if all U.S. workplaces implemented an all-inclusive smoke-free policy, it would result in 1.3 million smokers renouncing, 950 million less cigarette packs being smoked, 1,540 heart attacks and 360 strokes being prevented, and $49 million passive medical cost savings being attained within the first year.” The costs saved would increase over time. (American for nonsmoker’s rights, …show more content…

Three Questions:
1. Does the Constitution create a distinctive right to smoke or use tobacco?
2. Does federal law prohibit tobacco-free policies?
3. Does state or local law prohibit tobacco-free policies?
Three major Federal laws prohibit employment discrimination:
1. Title VII of the Civil Rights Act (1964): Prohibits employment discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, or national origin
2. Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act (2008): Prohibits employment discrimination based on genetic information about an applicant, employee, or former employee
3. Americans with Disabilities Act (1990): prohibit employment discrimination against qualified individuals with disabilities Additional Considerations
 Tobacco-Free Policies and Labor Unions: In union-represented work environments, employers may be obligated to subject any tobacco-free policies to collective bargaining, depending on the contract provisions.
 The National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) has ruled consistently that tobacco policies are a mandatory subject of

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