
Small Business

Better Essays

Chapter Seven Aida Moua
Small Businesses and Entrepreneurship: Economic Rocket Fuel

Review Questions

1. Review the benefits an entrepreneur might seek in starting a new business. Which benefits are most appealing to you? Why?
Some benefits that are most appealing to me is having greater financial success, independence, flexibility, and challenge because with all of them combined, it’s beneficial to me and can help me gain more money easier.

2. Do you recognize any of the entrepreneurial personality characteristics in yourselves? Which ones? Do you think it’s possible for a person to develop the characteristics that he or she lacks? Why or why not?
Yes, I have some qualities of entrepreneurial personality characterics that are …show more content…

Some key contributions of small business in the U.S. economy is that they create new jobs, create new innovations at twice the rate of their big business counterparts, and they tend to find more opportunities than big companies.

10. What factors account for the dramatic differences in entrepreneurship rates around the world? Do you think entrepreneurship will continue to grow worldwide? Why or why not?

Some key factors that plays an important role in different entrepreneurship rates around the world are national per capita income, entrepreneurs’ opportunity costs, and how much cultural and political environment supports entrepreneurs. I believe entrepreneurship will continue to grow worldwide because there’s always going to be that one person who has dreams he or she wants to accomplish.

Application Questions

1. A huge number of successful businesses—such as Apple, The Cheesecake Factory, and eBay—were built around the personal passions of their founders. Consider your own personal passions. What do you love to do? What are you great at doing? Can you shape any of your interests into a business opportunity? Why or why not? Be sure to think big. For instance, if you love hanging out with friends and listening to music, a club promotion business might make sense for you. Write a one–two page paper outlining the specific steps you need to take over the next few years to make your “dream business” real?


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