
Similarities Between Northern And Northern Colonies

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In the modern world, what may be the norm in the United States, may be way different in another country, such as in Pakistan. That is just the way the culture was created by the first people to settle in that area, and by whoever had the biggest cultural impact. That is not to say that there are also similarities in two different countries. For example, both the United States and Pakistan have similarities in the fact that there is a spoken language, and a working government system. Much like the world today, the northern and southern colonies in the 17th century had many varying similarities and differences even within themselves. The northern colonies had a big focus on religion, the southern colonies had plantations and farms as a huge source of food and money, and finally both the southern and northern colonies had many similarities, including the value of tobacco, the support of using slaves and indentured servants, and the treatment of women. Some of the northern colonies were first established by Puritans, highly religious folk who had beliefs to create better versions of the existing church of England, so naturally the lasting impact of the northern colonies was their religion. The first generation of Puritans that settled in, were very into creating a new society, and they had a burning passion to make a population of their beliefs. This led to very strict Puritan laws that favored church members greatly over any other citizen. The church controlled many parts of

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