
Similarities Between Egyptian And Greek Women

Decent Essays

To be a woman in any civilization is not an easy task. Even in today’s century woman keep having difficulties and differences with equality and rights. It is not surprising that those problems come from many centuries ago. The best ancient civilization to be a woman was Egypt. They treated women better than Roman Empire or Athens. That is why Egyptian woman became an example of female autonomy in society for other civilizations. Egyptians view women and family as a crucial fact for happiness and delight, they looked women as invidious with respect and not as objects like other civilizations. In the first place, comparing contemporary women of Rome, Greece (especially Mycenaean); Egyptian women live with a certain freedom, respect and free will, which put them in many ways as equal as men. They could own property, borrow money, sign contracts, divorce, inherit, be involved in religion and even appear in court. These rights did not make women wanting to be better than the man, on the contrary it prevailed the will and obedience to man but always respecting their autonomy. …show more content…

Minoan had more rights than Mycenaean; Minoan society granted women equality and freedom, but it was only some rights and only in this society. Athenian men married younger girls so they were easier to control and dominated. Outside of Minoan, women were restricted to organizing the household, supervising the slaves, and performing domestic labor. They were also excluded from public affairs and the majority lived separate from their husband’s and did not had the “privilege” to eat dinner with them. Husbands spent most of their free time with women known as hetaera; foreign but educated woman employed as entertainers, prostitutes or courtesans and were the only ones allowed to attend to Greek

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