
Should Women Be Able To Legalize Abortion Essay

Decent Essays

Should women be able to kill a poor innocent baby? In other words, should women be able to get an abortion? Some individuals are pro-choice and some people are pro-life. Pro-choice followers are individuals who think women should have the opportunity to have an abortion. Pro-life followers are people who think abortion is murder. In the 1900’s, abortion was a felony in most states. According to “State Abortion Laws,” “In 1921, activist Margaret Sanger founded the American Birth Control League, which later became the organization Planned Parenthood.” In the 1960’s, women advocates raised awareness of abortions. Women informed other women that there could be a permanent injury or even death if they get an illegal abortion. “State Abortion Laws” states, “In the 1990’s, Congress passed several laws banning intact dilation and extraction (IDX), a medical procedure also known as “partial-birth abortion”, in which a fetus can be removed intact.” The article “State Abortion Laws” informs readers that abortion laws are different in many states, but most people do agree with abortion. …show more content…

During the twentieth week of pregnancy a baby can feel pain. According to the article “State Abortion Laws”, “The 14th amendment, Jennifer Mason, communications director for the pro-life group Personhood USA, explained on National Public Radio in November 2013, “requires equal protection under the law for everyone,” she asserted, “and so we believe that every human being, regardless of their location, if they’re in the womb or out of it, deserves those protections and those rights.” This being said, an unborn child should have the rights to be born. Pro-choice people state that abortions should be legal because of women’s rights, but none of them realize that unborn child has rights

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