
Should Drinking Age Be Lowered Essay

Decent Essays

Let The Drinking Age Be Lowered Should the drinking age be lowered? This question has been stumbled upon for more than 50 years by the United States government. Fighting to keep the age 21 has made alcohol seem like a “forbidden fruit” taboo, in our nation. This law is not helping minors stay away from drinking at all, but making underage consumption worse. The drinking age is inferior and should be lowered because citizens of the U.S. are considered an adult at 18, minors are drinking, and there is exceptions in the law for alcohol. In society, teens of our nation are already considered an adult at 18, so why must young adults wait to be 21 in order to drink? In the U.S., society can already do so much when becoming of legal age. In 2014, according to Camille Paglia, PhD, Professor of Humanities and Media Studies at the University of the Arts states: The National Minimum Drinking Age Act, passed by Congress 30 years ago this July, is a gross violation of civil liberties and must be repealed. It is absurd and …show more content…

In the U.S., teens can do a lot once they turn 18. Citizens at the legal age can choose the potential leader of our country, serve our nation, live in their own place, and start killing themselves with cigarettes. Lowering the law for alcohol consumption will help more minors at the legal age and college campuses stay out of trouble. Half of the students drinking and providing alcohol at school are under 21. Changing the law to 18+ will also help alcohol related deaths by teaching teens to drink responsibly. Exceptions are only just making the law for drinking more complicated and causing more alcohol related deaths. Not everyone knows about these drinking laws either because people travel from state to state. Not knowing all the deviations to the law is putting more lives in danger than it is

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