
Should Abortion Be Considered Illegal Essay

Decent Essays

Through out the years abortion has become a huge topic in society. Questions often asked such as, “Should abortion be considered illegal?” and “Why isn’t abortion considered as murder?” are still being asked today. There are many people shouting out other absurd questions about abortion, so who's going to answer them? As a United States citizen you have the freedom of speech and liberty. So should a woman’s decision of her body be decided by society and the government? After several of women and teen girls decide to get abortions they often try to avoid the pressure. An abortion is the process that ends a pregnancy as early as the first eight weeks. A fetus is developed within those first eight weeks and then removed during the abortion process. …show more content…

So many lives are being taken away for the most deranged reasons. From shooting, to drunk driving, and to even living an unhealthy life. What about ending a life of a child who hasn’t even got a chance to see it? The fetus, being a person, has a right to life just like the mother has the right to life, (J.Hadley, 1996). In Chile, abortion is strictly banned and there should be no expectation for the life of the mother. Also, in Asia women go to prison for having an illegal abortion even if it was caused by rape. Directly killing an innocent person is considered murder which abortion is considered as well. In some views of the world having the right of living includes having a right to be given at least the bare minimum a baby needs to continue its life, (J,Hadley 1996). The fetus’s moral and value as a potential person should be taken in consideration before a woman makes her decision. No woman should bring a baby into the world that can’t even raise nor take care of. Yes, accidents happen, but that doesn’t mean you need to end the life of your first child because you aren’t ready. Everything we go through as a human beings happen for a reason, so why kill your own gift you created? We are put on this earth to procreate which means we continue to make the future generations. At the start of your birth you are already emotionally connected with your child and the moment should

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