
Short Story : The Story Of 'Patterns'

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A sly smile etched it’s way onto her face, perhaps she could turn this situation to her advantage. Shaking her head, she forced herself to appear more panicked and nervous than she felt like. Rarely before had Halla ever been frightened of southerners nor was she about to start now. She forced her body to tremble as the armored caravan approached her. If she was going to sell this act, she was going to have play the part.

When the men at the front saw her, they drew their weapons causing the metal to glitter in the late afternoon sunlight. Their armor was dark with burgundy and bronze accents. Helmets obscured their faces from view.

“Who goes there?” One of the men demanded as soon as they were within striking distance.

“W-wildin-ings!” …show more content…

She confirmed, keeping her voice even, “Yes.”

“Who are you and just how did you manage that?” The small man appeared amazed by the feat as if he’d never heard of a woman fighting before. Granted, this man was from the south, possibly further south than she desired to go.

“I don’t know. I just acted.” That wasn’t a complete lie. She didn’t usually think much went she fought and she didn’t figure who she was really mattered at the moment.

“Really now?” He inquired with a sly smile as his eyes flickered over her appearance before they twinkled, “How do you expect me to believe that when you’re carrying a sword, a bow, and a quiver full of arrows with you on your saddle?”

Nothing got past this halfman. Halla cursed herself inwardly for not thinking to conceal her weapons, “I-I”

“It seems I’ve caught you in a lie. What were you really doing here?” The man declared with a smirk.

“The people I was traveling with was ambushed. I was the only one to escape. I wasn’t lying about the Wildlings.” Halla huffed, crossing her arms over her chest.

The man wondered as he stalked around her horse, “Where is a farmer’s wife headed?”

“South. Winter is coming.” She informed him, vaguely. Still not a lie. She was supposed to be south and winter was coming, bringing with it the others.

“How convenient I also am headed south.” He clapped,

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