
Senior Management Is Not Always Communication Savvy

Decent Essays

Mr. Porter is a modest engineer that loves projects. He believes in non-routine change for the better. Projects and programs are entrenched in the core strategy of a successful company. If you don’t understand the strategy, or it is not well thought-out, you don 't know if you have the correct strategy or project. We can’t have the right goals with the wrong strategy. There is no value or competitive advantage to the improper planning of a strategy. Many people rely on Senior Management, rather than spawning a proper strategy themselves. Porter doesn’t believe that we need to be so passive at the lower levels of a company. The voices hear, the more ideas are passed around through the company. To do your job well you need to be …show more content…

Is our strategy pertinent to our opponents? What is the core of a good strategy? (Porter, 2015) So, on and so forth. Get together as a complete team, using communication. There are mutual mistakes made by executives daily, by perplexing the strategy with the goal. Is the company’s strategy comprehensive? Always remember that, activities are dissimilar from the strategy. The strategy is more than a mission statement, or a vision statement. A good strategy is very precise. Focus on the ability to make good selections and the company will contend, and differentiate itself from the opposition. This is vital to the accomplishment of the company. The core levels of our strategy are how we compete in the industry. A.K.A. Business Strategy. You need a strategy for each separate business within the company. Bring these businesses together successfully, we then create value? That’s corporate strategy. Occasionally the customers have a sufficient impact on lowering the price tag. There will always be a new company in the mix, having barriers to entry. These entrants will also lessen you market share. There will always be substitutes for the product. By making industry analysis a core strategy you can stay in advance of your rivalry and yield original products through development. You can differentiate your product from the rest of the pack with a superior product. How far does the truck have to drive to drop off a tank of gas? How tight is the density of

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