
Security Controls And The Utilization Of Technical And Nontechnical Strategies Essay

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3.4.1 Control Methods
Security controls include the utilization of technical and nontechnical strategies (NIST, 2002). Technical controls are protections that are consolidated into PC hardware, programming, or firmware such as access control mechanisms, ID, encryption techniques and intrusion detection program or software). Nontechnical controls on the other hand are administration and operational controls that includes security approaches; operational methodology; and physical and environmental security NIST, 2002). SunTrust Bank should implement technical controls with respect to how information and data are being encrypted, what program is being utilized to identify any intrusion to their network and system and how customers/clients are being verified. Concerning nontechnical control, SunTrust administration should provide appropriate security controls for every resources and assets in the organization.
3.4.2 Control Categories
NIST classified both technical and nontechnical control techniques as either preventive or detective. Preventive controls restrain attempts by the attackers to damage security strategy and policy such as access control authorization, encryption, and validation (NIST, 2002). Detective controls, however, should caution of "violation or attempted violations of security such as audit trails, intrusion detection methods, and checksums" NIST 2002, p.20). Hence, SunTrust bank should endeavor to enhance their intrusion detection system or IDS for

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