
Rul Hilberg Working It Out Analysis

Decent Essays

In “Precedents: The Destruction of the European Jews” by Raul Hilberg, he writes about the three policies that make up the devastating history of the holocaust. According to Helberg, these policies are “conversion, exploitation, and annihilation” (256). Conversion being Christians telling the Jews, “You have no right to live among us as Jews” (Helberg 257). Expulsion then becoming Christian saying, “You have no right to live among us” (Helberg 257). Then, the annihilation policy, which were the Christians saying, “You have no right to live” (Helberg 257). Hilberg writes that this was the administrative process that led to the murder of millions of Jews. According to Hilberg, the annihilation of the Jewish people was a systematic process.
In “Working it Out” by Diana Eck, she writes about religious oppression in the workplace. The examples she gives on the many ways people have been fired, or the ways in which people's faiths have been compromised, reiterates that the amendment that states freedom of religion in the United States, is …show more content…

Miller, Alice H. Eagly, and Marcia C. Linn, it measured gender-science stereotype, “” (2). which is defined as associations that connects science with men more than women. This is believed to come from a lack of representation of women in the relative field. The study notes that putting women in science related fields in media, or having more women in the field, lessons that stereotype. They conducted the experiment by measuring 66 nations, which consisted of 350,000 participants’ explicit and implicit gender-science stereotypes. They found a relationship “between women's representation in science and national gender-science stereotype” (Eagly, Linn, Miller 8). The results of the study concluded that “implicit and explicit measures indicated strong association of science with man” (Eagly, Linn, Miller

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