
Ronald Reagan's Success And Failures

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Ronald Reagan had many successes and many failures during his presidency. In the first paragraph I will be going over his 3 main successes. Which are his economic policies, ending the Cold War, and the war on drugs. The first success that we are covering today was his economic policies or as they are more widely known as “Reaganomics”. This was his plan to make cuts in 4 major areas which were the growth of government spending, income and capital gains tax, the regulations that were in place for businesses, and he wanted to expand the money supply. Reagan's theory with this plan was that if you cut taxes for businesses they would have more money to expand their business and hire more workers. It also says that the income tax incentivises workers …show more content…

His goal was to reduce the drug use in America. With him starting the war on drugs his wife Orchestrated the just say no program and reagan passed 5 new acts and laws to keep people from buying, selling, or using drugs. It was a success because it really made it hard for people to get and do drugs because of all the harsh laws that were surrounding the trade. His final success was major and that was ending the cold war. From the day he was elected in 1980 he was against communism, calling the soviets an evil empire, and even proposing a Strategic Defence Initiative to protect the US if it were ever to be shot by a nuke. Luckily for Reagan and the entire US in 1985 the 2 leaders met to discuss limiting the Cold War. The both agreed to limit their stockpiles effectively ending the arms race. The soviet leader even agreed to let people choose their own government. A few years later in 1989 East Germans began tearing down the Berlin Wall( the ultimate symbol of Soviet oppression), and as the wall fell Germany became reunited as one democratic country. The result of this was all the European nations under Soviet control demanding freedom and the Soviet Union eventually falling apart in …show more content…

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Saddam Hussein:
21 Reasons Why Ronald Reagan Was a Terrible President
Brown, Adam Tod. “6 Ways You Didn't Realize Ronald Reagan Ruined The Country.”, 9 June 2016,

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