
Ronald Reagan Hero Essay

Decent Essays

"If you seek peace, if you seek prosperity... if you seek liberalization: Come here to this gate! Mr. Gorbachev, open this gate! Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!" (Burgan 109). These were the words Ronald Reagan shouted from the top of the podium as he stood in front of thousands of German people, and not long after the Berlin Wall was torn down. Ronald Reagan was born on February 6th 1911, in Tampico Illinois (Burgan 12). Regan learned many skills of leadership in his early life, built confidence during his middle years, and left a lasting impact on the politics of the world during his presidency.

There are many skills and actions needed to be a considered a hero, leadership, confidence, and many other skills. One of the most important …show more content…

During his presidency there were many moments when he made decisions that would define him as a hero forever. Many of these decisions and policies he made would change the world forever. Ronald Reagan helped end an era of Communism and the Cold War. In his famous "Tear Down This Wall" speech Reagan challenged Mikhail Gorbachev to tear down the Berlin Wall (Burgan 108-111). This wall was a symbol for Communism and the Cold War, once it was torn down almost everyone saw it as the end of the Cold War and Communism. Furthermore, Reagan ended an era of high nuclear tensions between Russia and the United States. Reagan and Mikhail Gorbachev made a plan to reduce their nuclear armaments and eventually eliminate them (Drell). This nuclear disarmament would lead the way for many other countries to decrease their nuclear armaments as well. Lastly Reagan comforted the nation during times of doubt and hardship. Reagan payed his respects to the 17 Americans killed during the attacks on the US embassy in Lebanon (Burgan 82-85). He also addressed the nation after the death of 7 astronauts in the Challenger spacecraft explosion. He showed people that even in times of terror or heartbreak they would stand together as one and get through it. In conclusion Ronald Reagan sought to make peace in the world and succeeded in winning the hearts of millions during his

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