
Right Tap Short Story

Decent Essays

Right tap. Left tap. Ever since I popped out, I've let the overwhelming desire for symmetry control my life. When I was younger, I had an ingrained superstition that numbers controlled my life; I would count my position in line and multiply it by four or some other random digit to see who I should befriend in that line. I'd make sure to chew the same amount on both sides of my mouth. I was thoroughly convinced that any convoluted pattern I consciously or unconsciously made was interconnected with my future. If I did not follow through with my impulses regarding those oppressive patterns, I was positive an event of catastrophic proportions would occur. What if a meteor fell on my sister!? Better multiply that number by four again to make sure. I was trapped in my head with an abacus, and my body did the bidding of whatever numbers clicked out. The jury is still out on whether or not any adults took notice of my numbers compulsion, but do I really want to know the truth? The hottest summer I ever experienced, the summer of eighth grade, melted …show more content…

Who knows? Regardless, I broke from the shackles that bound me; I began to live a way less calculated life. I fostered my own interests; I began to go to protests, listen to different genres of music, wear anything that caught my eye, and socialize with anyone who seemed interesting enough. After my epiphany that numbers do not mean anything, my life turned into me fighting a predictable life. Sometimes, I would bike around my small town, just to revel in the fact I could. I would take walks in the middle of the night despite my overwhelming fear of the dark. I never let any combination of numbers or patterns determine what I did because calculating things out is a sheer waste of time. Life is short, and the brevity of life in all its grandeur is something I refuse to consciously take for

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