
Rhetorical Arts Class Analysis

Decent Essays

When I think back to the beginning of this semester I remember my initial apprehension about having an 8AM class. When I was assigned the class, the name of the class - Rhetorical Arts: Speaking and Writing for Social justice, did not really mean anything to me. I didn’t quite understand it. Fast forward to the night before my last Rhetorical Arts class, I think I have a pretty good idea of why this class titled as it is. In a sense, some of the things that I have read, discussed and watched in this class changed the way I perceived certain topics and also gave me greater knowledge and insight about these topics. I now, feel that I can be more critical in my analysis of various subjects, I also feel that I can better process and voice my …show more content…

This class aims to address public speaking and I definitely feel more confident when speaking in front of audiences, especially since I now know the #1 rule of public speaking - KNOW YOUR AUDIENCE. I learned about topics in writing and speaking that I did not even know existed even though i saw and heard them everyday. Rhetorical Devices such as Anaphora and Chiasmus are perfect examples of this. Incorporating story into speaking and writing is something that is crucial and I really realized this throughout the semester. This helped me improve my speaking and writing abilities. Even though I despised waking up early for this class, I definitely feel like I gained vast knowledge on speaking and writing. I learned the importance of giving readers a roadmap for them to follow. I noticed a big difference which was also reflected in my grade from my informative speech to my persuasive speech. I was definitely more clear and confident by my second speech. I learned how to make eye contact with my audience while speaking. This class helped me gain valuable insight into my topic - Poverty In India. I found that there was so much more to my topic than just plain facts. In terms of the learning outcomes for this class, I feel i managed to achieve the vast majority of

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