
Is Google Making USupid By Nicholas Carr

Decent Essays

Each and everyday around the world there are new advances in technology attempting to make life more simple. In the article by Nicholas Carr, “Is Google Making Us Stupid?”, Carr explains his beliefs on how the internet is causing mental issues in today's society. Carr starts with his own opinion, he says the Internet is causing him to lose focus quickly. He cannot stay hooked to a book. He writes about his life being surrounded by the internet and how it has created problems, like not being able to stay focused on a reading; but it is interesting how he says the Internet has been a ‘godsend’ in his chosen profession. Carr uses a great deal of rhetorical appeals to try to connect with the audience. He compares the past and the present and how it has altered the …show more content…

He gathered research from several credited writers, studies, and universities who have done research about the effects of reading on the web. Carr uses his own personal experience, ideas we can relate to, and analysis backed by research to connect to the audience and persuade them that the internet is causing reading focus and comprehension problems in our current society. Carr had experiences of his own working with the web. He researched other writers with similar views on the subject to support his own thesis. Using evidence from different reputable sources helps draw in the reader and shows them the widespread effects of the web. Carr states that one of the articles he gained information from said, “It is clear that users are not reading online in the traditional sense”(94). The way we read now is considered as "skimming through titles, contents pages and abstracts going for quick wins”. Usually when people read on the Internet, they do not spend the time to read the entire article, and it is seen that people skip from text to text, focus getting lost quickly.

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