
Revolutionary Mothers : Women During The Struggle For America 's Independence By Carol Berkin

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Introduction A critical analysis entails the review of the book Revolutionary Mothers: Women in the struggle for America’s independence by Carol Berkin. This comprised of details on women who had been involved in struggling to fulfill the independence of America. Women played their role at facing or creating impact towards the war. This outlines on myriad of women,s lives as well as getting to know the obstacles that they encountered during the war. This aids in bringing out the idea that not only men who played vital roles during the war, but also women as being key characters, inclusive of colonial women as well as Native American women and the consequences they faced. Women brought about a generation of having the initial tale of history avoiding rise of different stories thus the book,s intention was to reveal the truth of the history as well as women importance during the revolutionary war. Generally an overview that explained on how women had their culture prior, during the war as well as how it resulted to be when the war ceased. It is vivid that the women themselves had been allocated respective roles to undertake in order for understanding the background of their life during the pre-war. It was stated that despite them having these roles they broke the norms of which they been expected to having by themselves. Revolutionary women, however, had a goal as well as motivation towards independence. Women are said to have struggled in that it aided in changing their

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