
Respect Of Privacy And Space Paper

Decent Essays

Respect of Privacy and Space

As a member of the Institutional Review Board (IRB) at Greenville Technical College, it is my job to evaluate the experiment submitted by our researchers regarding the hypothesis that personal space invasions produce physiological changes associated with arousal. The experiment testing site our researchers have chosen is a man’s lavatory in order to test levels of interpersonal distance and micturition times. I have listed reasons for and against this experiment below, and have given my answer regarding whether or not I will allow it go forward to the next step.
I want to first talk about the ethical code and violations. There are eight ethical codes or guidelines (Ciccarelli & White, 2015, p 32-33), we follow …show more content…

Few men would want or allow their micturition times to be recorded, even for science. If ramifications come up that the participants do not like, then one of our researchers will have to discard those ramifications for the sake of the participant.
Some other problems that our researchers could encounter while going through this experiment could include vocal agitation, harmful behavior, or even a legal threat from the participants. I do understand that precautions will be taken into consideration and thought through. But the right participant and right circumstance could bring harm, (physical, verbal, or legal) to any member of our research team, our students, or our school itself. Our researchers (and school) could also encounter problems with the APA if the experiment coincides with any violations of the ethical code or their standards (examples given in above paragraph). If any problems with the APA occur, legal actions could be taken against our school and board.
Any changes that are made should be made in direct accordance to the ethical codes and standards of the APA and our IRB here at Greenville Technical College. In my opinion, I would reconsider this experiment because of all of the violations that would occur if it takes place. As researchers for science, we cannot allow participants to feel as if they are being forced into doing something they would not like, therefore we have to rethink our choice of experiment for the

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