
Researcher Position Case Study

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Researcher Position
The researcher in this study was once a member of the USM and after leaving the USM did attend a southern university. However, this transition occurred over a decade ago and is unlikely to have a negative impact on data interpretation, but rather offers the researcher insight to this process and the trust of participants that other researchers might have. Because of a potential to have some researcher bias though the researcher will utilize peer review of the data to ensure that themes that are found exist in the data and are not created by the researcher.
After obtaining institutional review board (IRB) approval the researcher recruited participants from the undergraduate research pool of a large …show more content…

The researcher noted seven participants were white and two were latinx.
The researcher asked participants to come to a private office to complete a semi-structured interview with the researcher. The interview guide approved by the IRB and used throughout all the interviews included the following questions:
1. What was your job in the military, how long did you serve and what was the highest rank you held?
2. What year did you leave the military and did you every receive hazard pay during service?
3. What did being a soldier/sailor/airman/marine mean to you?
4. In what areas of your life do you still see elements of your military training?
5. What is the most poignant memory of leaving the military and transitioning to military life?
6. What has been the easiest part of becoming a student at the [university]?
7. What has been the most difficult part of student life at the [university]?
8. Tell me about a classroom discussion where you did not agree with another student, what did you do or say?
9. Tell me about a discussion outside of the classroom where you disagreed with another student, what did you do or say?
10. What are the challenges in communicating with those who have not served in the military?
11. Is there anything else you would like to tell me today?
This interview guide was not all-inclusive of the questions asked of participants, but served as a starting point to begin discussions and allowed the research to be reflexive and still consistent

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