
Research Paper On Zoos

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Introduction Paragraph: (lead, introduce topic, and thesis) Zoos are an enclosure that traps the animal. There are people out there who care about the animals in captivity. Craig Brokenshaw, an Australian surfer dedicated to saving the dolphins in captivity said, “I felt quite sad, quite disgusted. It looked like they weren’t happy at all. They just looked kind of lifeless and disinterested,” Zoos are businesses that surround breeding and buying wild animals. Around 10,000 zoos worldwide hold at least 3,000 animals each. All of these animals are in captivity when they should really be in their natural habitat, whether it’s the grasslands or the jungle. That means that millions of animals are locked in and suffering greatly. Zoos are an insalubrious …show more content…

Animals gain unnatural behaviors in captivity. This psychological issue is called zoochosis. Zoochosis is normally seen when animals are held captive in an artificial environment which is created by humans. Examples of zoochosis, are pacing back and forth, neck twisting, tongue playing and bar biting. Furthermore, overgrowing, self mutilation and just plain out hurting themselves are all terrible conditions that come with this issue. Bears are active 18 hrs per day, while they explore their ranges. Lions and tigers love climbing, roaming, running for miles. (to hunt) Without this ability can cause the condition where animals can hurt themselves from boredom or frustration. Animals pace back and forth, monkeys and birds can injure themselves, giraffes twist their necks and swinging their heads back and forth, elephants sway and bob their heads. Maggie the elephant, forced to spend days in small enclosed space because of the outdoor temperatures. She protested to exercise and got severe foot problems, whereas in the wild she would walk about 48 km each day. The harm that animals can do to themselves both mentally and physically, is threatening their own lives. This is why we should let them go, and let them live

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