
Research Paper On The Gobi Desert

Decent Essays

1. The Gobi Desert is located in northern China and southern Mongolia. It is the fifth largest desert in the world and the most extensive arid region located on the continent of Asia. It has a cold climate due to its location. Gazelles, camels, leopards, and wolves are a few animals that can be found in the desert. Fun fact: The Gobi Desert is home to the first excavations of dinosaur eggs.
2. Lake Balkhash can be found in southeastern Kazakhstan. It stretches 376 miles long. The weather ranges from extremes of hot summers and cold winters. Lake Balkhash has provided countless amounts of fishing and fish breeding since the 1930’s. Ship manufacturing also plays a key role in the lakes economy.
3. The Yellow River known as the “mother river” …show more content…

The Yangtze River is the largest river in China running for 3,964 miles. The river deposits into the East China Sea. It is the third biggest river, behind the Nile and Amazon, in the world. The area surrounding the river is the most densely populated place in China. The Yangtze River Basin supplies an abundance amount of grain including rice which makes up 70% of it.
5. Mt. Everest is the earth’s highest mountain. The mountain rises 29,029 feet into the air. It is located in the Himalayan mountain range in Tibet and Nepal. Living conditions for plants and animals can be very difficult resulting in certain birds and mosses surviving at high altitudes. The weather conditions for climbers can be rigorous with strong winds and altitude sicknesses.
6. The Himalayan Mountains is a mountain range in between the Tibetan Plateau and the Indian alluvial plains. The mountains are home to largest mountain in the world, Mt. Everest. The word “Himalaya” translates to “snow abode” which clearly depicts the physical appearance of the mountains. Vegetation in the Himalayas can range from tropical to subtropical to temperate to even …show more content…

The Java Sea can be located between the islands of Java and Borneo. It is a very shallow sea. The sea can be measured about 900 miles east to west and 260 miles north to south. The Java Sea contains a large amount of petroleum and natural gas. The Java Sea is as location of World War II battle between the Allies and Japanese.

1. The Great Barrier Reef includes the world’s biggest coral reef ecosystem and the biggest living structure on the earth. Over 600 types of soft and hard corals exist in the Great Barrier Reef. It extends from Queensland to Bundaberg. The reef extends over 14 degrees of latitude. Fun fact: the Great Barrier Reef can be seen from outer space.
2. Lake Eyre is a salt lake located in South Australia. It stretches for 4,281 miles. The lake is usually dry and found at the lowest point of the continent about 50 feet below sea level. Evaporation is the main cause for its dryness, but floods bring water pack to it.
3. The Great Victoria Desert is a sparsely populated area with only dune fields and plains making the desert up. It is located in Western and Southern Australia. It is one of the least populate places in Australia because of the testing of nuclear weapons occurs here. Shrubs and grasses are the only vegetation to survive in the desert. Moles, frogs, and birds are among the few animals that can

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