
Research Paper On Bmc Performance Assurance

Better Essays

Capacity Management Best Practices using BMC Performance Assurance

August 2015

Table of Contenets

 Abstract………………………………………………………………………. 1
 BMC Performance Assurance – An Overview……………………………….2
 If you can’t measure it, you can’t manage it!!!................................................2
 Investigate Module…………………………………………………………...4
 Analyze Module…………………………………………………..…………...4
 Performing What-If Analysis With Predict……………………..…………....5
 Trending and Forecasting……………………..……………………………...8
 Perceiver……………………..……………………………...............................9
 Key Features of BMC Performance Assurance in CPM…...............................9
 Conclusion….....................................................................................................10 …show more content…

• Increases the visibility and success of the performance organization by providing a consumer viewing tool for internal customers.
• Protects your performance investment by providing a performance viewing tool available across multiple platforms.
Today’s business needs continuous application availability in order to guarantee sustained profitability. It requires solutions that can improve their existing performance to ensure superior system and application performance in cost effective way. The continuous and projecting capacity management methodology can be leveraged to deliver advanced capabilities such as timely tracking, measurement and analysis of performance models before migrating to the production environment. Such a proactive approach enables business to accurately predict and adjust system performance in the actually environment with minimum risk of errors, thereby ensuring a better experience for the end user. This ensures consistent business application availability, enhancing the end-user experience, and ensuring superior system

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