
Remember The Titans Theme Essay

Decent Essays

Remember the Titans If you have ever heard of Remember the Titans you may think it’s a movie just about football, but it is much more than that. This movie takes place in the 70’s. This movie has two major themes, segregation and team bonding. The first theme in Remember the Titans is Segregation. This film is about two schools coming together to create one school. The only issue is one school is African American and the other is white. Not many people support this idea, especially the white parents. They hold strikes and don’t let the African American teens eat or shop in their stores. Bringing these two schools together and created a mixed football team is suppose to help the town become closer and help break the segregation in the south. A big moment that showed segregation was when the African American students were getting off the buses to go to school, the parents and a few others students were yelling and holding up racist signs against them. Another example of segregation was when coach Boone was …show more content…

At the beginning of the football season the boys did not want to mix and they did not want to change their positions to become a team. The two-team captains Gerry and Julius wouldn’t even work together. Julius told Gerry that his white team should be blocking Julius’s boys. Gerry didn’t believe him at first but then he realized it was true, he yelled at his boys to play like it was any other scrimmage. After both captains realized that they needed to work together to become a successful team. Which meant they need to try to get to know each other. They required every team member to know on a fact about the other and room with someone from the other race. The team bonding first started when the two boys created a cheer screaming, “Left side, Strong side”. This was only the beginning the team before their games would come out on the field and start dancing and singing. This brought the team closer and in

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