
Religion In Ancient China

Decent Essays

There are a lot of religions in China. About 85% of chinese people have religious beliefs or had some religious practices and only 15% of them do not have faith in any religions not had any activities related to religions or folk customs. 185 million people believe in Buddhism and 33 million have faith in Christianity and believes in the existence of God. Only 12 million people are Taoists, although more than one hundred million have taken part in Taoism activities before. There is also Islam and Confucianism. Buddhism was brought into China approximately 2,000 years ago. Buddhism was gradually accepted by most Chinese people and developed into three sections: Han Buddhism, Tibetan Buddhism, and Southern Buddhism. Han Buddhism has 8,400 temples and 50 thousand monks, it is the largest branch on the …show more content…

Some believe that Confucianism is not a real religion but is just an ethical and philosophical system, which developed from Confucius’ thoughts and later was treated as a kind of belief to educate common people. It obtained its stable position under the reign of Emperor Wu of Han Dynasty (202 BC-220 AD), and became the ideology of the society in the feudal system since then. The traditions and principles in the Confucianism played an important role in the formation of Chinese people’s thinking patterns and teaching methods.
Christianity is the second largest religion in China. Christianity was first introduced to China in Tang Dynasty, which was named as Nestorianism during that time. Christians believe that Jesus, as the Messiah, was anointed by God as savior of humanity, and hold that Jesus' coming was the fulfillment of messianic prophecies of the Old Testament. More than 10 million people Christian believers. Most of Christians gather in the south part of the country. There about 18 thousand priest in China. There are about 50,000 legal churches in

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