
Relational Database Management System

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1. A Relational Database Management System (RDBMS) is a type of database management system that stores data in the form of related tables. The system does not require many assumptions about how data is related t or how it is to be extracted from the database. The database can be viewed in several forms.
2. De-Normalization is a process of adding redundant data to get rid of complex joins for optimizing database performance.

3. A view is an SQL statement that is stored within a database that is also associated with a name. A view is also a table in the form of a query. A view can contain all rows of a table or select rows from a table.

4. Subqueries are often referred as subselects, as they allow a SELECT statement to be executed within …show more content…

The process of restoring the backup of log files and database on a primary server and restoring them to a standby server is called Log shipping.

21. Local temporary tables are visible only to their creators during the same connection to an instance of SQL Server as when the tables were first created or referenced. Local temporary tables are deleted after the user disconnects from the instance of SQL Server. Global temporary tables are visible to any user and on any connection after they are created, and are deleted when all users that are referencing the table disconnect from the instance of SQL Server.

22. Scheduled jobs are automated pieces of work that can be performed at a customized date and time on a recurring schedule. Scheduled tasks are created using SQL server, which enables the SQL commands to be executed automatically at regularly timed intervals.

23. A Heap Table is a table that does not have cluster or a non-cluster indices. Multiple non-clustered indices can be created on tables that are stored as a Heap. When they are stored in a Heap they are not ordered in any specific way.

24. The process that writes the modified pages from Buffer Cache to physical disk is called the CHECKPOINT process. This process is run automatically by SQL Server at specific

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