
Reform Movements In The 1800's

Decent Essays

In the last several centuries, countless reform movements have attempted to shape and expand democratic ideals in the United States. A democratic ideal is the personal qualities and behavior of a government that are necessary to its continued democracy. Such as life, liberty, the pursuit of happiness, diversity, truth, religious freedom, and patriotism. All constitutionally given rights we all, as Americans, have in one way or another as a result of early reform movements. The early 1800’s were no different, America being finally free from British domination, was ready and able to forge its own way. This time while America was still in her infancy, was an important pivot point in our country and where it was headed. Warranted by the situation …show more content…

For almost 150 years, since the first slaves touched American soil in the early 1600’s, slavery flourished throughout America. Predominantly in the South, slaves were prized as free labor. Possibly the keystone of the entire southern economy, slaves were valuable and southerners had no plans to ever free slaves. But as time progressed, antislavery activists pushed for reform and the freeing of slaves. Developed and published by these activists were numerous signs, banners, and newspaper ads publicizing the inhumanity of slavery. In 1935, Patrick Reason engraved a picture of a female slave, praying “Am I not a Woman and a Sister!?”. (Document C) To illustrate the dehumanization of slaves, and call for change. Such propaganda illustrated the ideal of “All men are created equal” A common angle taken by antislavery activists was the point that slaves are humans and possess their own souls and identities. Thus being entitled to equality and freedom in this nation, the “land of the free”. Slaves were not the only ones who were oppressed. So were immigrants and women, though not nearly to the same extent as slaves. Immigrants were discriminated against if they weren't free white men. As stated in (Document D), as a nation of youth, we need strength in numbers to steady us in the unstable times early in our country’s youth. And to do this, reform is needed to reevaluate and …show more content…

The abolition of slavery, women’s rights, prohibition, and religious freedom movements all contributed to the preservation, and spread of these Democratic ideals. The government change in policies and laws was a direct result of these reform movements, and the social precedents that went along with them. Women earned equal representation and treatment in all aspects of life. Slaves eventually were freed and almost a century later were given the right to vote. They have come so far in equality, both African Americans and women. Our 44th president was African American, and a candidate for the 45th President was a woman. America truly is a land of opportunity where anything is possible. Alcohol was temporarily banned and now is restricted because of its negative health effects. Religious freedom in the United States is the most free place in the world. We have no restrictions on any religions, we even have a church called “The Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster”. All thanks to progressive reform movements of the 1800’s, which aggressively sought to expand Democratic

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