
Ransom Written by Lois Duncan Essay

Better Essays

Ransom Written by Lois Duncan

Setting: The story takes place in New Mexico
Time: The story occurs during the winter.

Characters: Buck is one of the three people who are kidnapping the children. He is tempered easily. He doesn’t really care for others much. Rita is Buck’s wife. She is not very pretty and gets drug into schemes by Buck. She feels he will leave her if she doesn’t follow directions. Juan is the other kidnapper who does more of the dirty work. He is the one who calls the parents for the money. He’s the one who shot the bus driver. Glenn is one of the boys who were kidnapped. He’s very popular and has friends and thinks that nobody dislikes him. He’s handsome and very athletic. Glenn’s brother Bruce …show more content…

Jesse and Dexter talk. She tells him that the night before she heard Rita and Buck saying that he killed their bus driver. She gets scared and starts to cry. After hearing this, the boys decide that they need to leave. Back at Valley Gardens the parents are receiving the phone calls from Juan regarding the ransom. All the parents are discussing with their spouses the amount of the ransom are making plans to get the money except. But, Dexter’s uncle still hasn’t heard about the kidnapping yet. The parents are also faced with the question of whether or not to call the police. Back at the cabin, the kids finally decide that Marianne will distract Rita while Buck’s gone so Jesse can sneak and get the keys to the storage room to unlock the boys later. When Buck comes home, he and Rita go to sleep and the girls unlock the boys. The plan is to have Dexter hotwire the car with Glenn’s help, and for Bruce to transport messages between the boys and girls. Jesse and Marianne go back to the bunk beds and await the message from Bruce that they are ready when she hears Buck get out of bed and go into the kitchen. She tries to get Buck to go back to bed when the door comes open slowly and in walks Bruce. Bruce says quietly that they got the car hotwired, then he sees Buck. Jesse shouts ‘run’ and all three boys take off down the hill. The girls screamed when a pistol shot rang out throughout the forest. They saw a dark figure drop onto the ground. Once in

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