
Radioactive Decay Honors

Decent Essays

8.01 Half-Life and Radioactive Decay Honors
By: Amanda Sirianni
Naturally Occurring Radiation
1: Where is this substance most likely found, and how abundant is it?
Uranium can be found in a lot of places in small quantities such as rocks, soil, and water. However, its harder to find uranium in amounts that are worth the trouble.

2: What type of decay does this substance undergo, and how harmful can it be to those exposed?
Naturally forming uranium undergoes radioactive decay by emission of an alpha particle and gamma radiation. As the decay continues, it releases radiation.This is an extreme health issue that, in large amounts, can cause cancer and liver damage.

3: What can be done to protect against the radiation produced by this isotope?
To avoid harmful uranium, people …show more content…

Is it used in the medical, industrial, scientific, or other fields?
Uranium can be used to produce nuclear energy, it's renewable, and it means less pollution which in turn helps the environment.

Radiation Used by Humans and Technology
The use of iodine-131 in the medical field
1:What careers or fields use this type of radiation, and why is it used?
Doctors use Iodine-131. Iodine-131 can be used to treat someone with hyperthyroidism. It can also be used to treat thyroid cancer. It can also be used as a type of medical imaging.

2:What are the benefits and risks associated with using this material, and how common is its use?
This material is used quite frequently as it can heal sick people. There are a few risks, but it's mostly little things. A sore throat feeling can be a side effect.
However, there can be some more serious ramifications such as a loss of the thyroid gland all together.

3&4: What waste materials, if any, are produced by the use of this substance, and how is the waste handled and disposed of? What other important information should we be aware of regarding this particular material and its

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