
Radical Innovators And Disruptive Entrepreneurs Have Historically Been The Biggest Drivers Of Societal Advancement

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Specific Purpose Statement: To inform my audience about three of the ways that legendary entrepreneur Elon Musk has and is changing the world.

Central Idea: Elon Musk’s incredibly successful ventures including Tesla and PayPal have already shaped history and changed the fields of transportation, space exploration, and sustainable energy, and will continue to do so.

I. Radical innovators and disruptive entrepreneurs have historically been the biggest drivers of societal advancement and have been responsible for shaping the world. Henry Ford did it in 1908 with the Ford Model T. Thomas Edison changed the engineering world with inventions like the light bulb and the phonograph. And Steve Jobs took a giant industry that had …show more content…

(Transition: The most well-known venture of Musk’s is Tesla, his extraordinarily successful electric car company. But that’s not the only way Musk’s genius has shaped the transportation industry)

I. The transportation industry is crucial to society’s operation and influences the lives of nearly every one of us. We use it to get to work, to school, to the store, and to complete countless other tasks.
A. As far as the automobile industry goes, it has remained largely unchanged since the Ford Motor Company released the Model T in 1908.
B. While cars have changed over the years in terms of features and comfort, automobiles today still share a key part with the Model T, the gasoline combustion engine.
C. When the Model T was released in 1908, the move was unlike anything the public had seen and many believed the vehicle would fail. Shaking up the world’s transportation methods was a near herculean task. And it’s only gotten harder over time.
D. There aren’t many challenges for an entrepreneur harder than trying to start a car company. It’s not a coincidence that the last successful startup automobile manufacturer was Chrysler, 90 years ago in 1925.
E. And if it wasn’t hard enough, creating the first all-electric car company was an added challenge for Musk. Gasoline powered cars have become very optimized and efficient over the last century. So in order for Tesla to have a chance to be successful, Musk had to not build a car that is as good as his

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