
Racism By Kwame Anthony Appiah

Decent Essays

Racism is a widely discussed topic, and everyone agrees that it is something that only causes harm. People with racist views can view others from other groups as people who are lesser than them and might use physically actions to show their dislike. In response to that, more and more people are having their own ideas of how to identify and end racism. For example, Kwame Anthony Appiah who brought out the idea of extrinsic racism, the perspective of utilitarianism, and the Kantian ethic are views that show why racism is wrong and how it can be ended. Kwame Anthony Appiah who wrote “Racisms”, believes that extrinsic racism is when people has a belief that different races are different genetically and that results in different treatments. “members of different races differ in respects that warrant the differential treatment, respects, -such as honesty or courage or intelligence – that are controversially held (held at least in most contemporary cultures) to be acceptable as basis for treating people differently.” (p.691) This is morally wrong to Appiah because it is not true at all. Humans are humans, even if there are different races, the genes that contributes to race does not set different races’ intelligence and moral standards, it is the teaching and environment that shapes the people. “the genes that account for the gross morphological differences that underlie our standard racial categories are not linked to those genes that determine, to whatever degree such matters

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