
Questions And Summary: The Odyssey

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The Odyssey: Questions and Summary 1. Chronology: The story does not always progress chronologically. Though The Odyssey begins with Telemachus and Odysseus’ current journeys, Odysseus’ adventures from Troy to the land of the Phaeacians is told through a lengthy flashback that takes the form of a story told to King Alcinous and his guests. Many of the characters also tell Telemachus stories that act as flashbacks. However, the events in Books XIII—XXIV are told in chronological order in a similar fashion to the beginning. 2. Hero: Odysseus is the character who the reader is meant to sympathize with. Though he is deeply flawed, the story is told in a style that ultimately causes the reader to want Odysseus to return to his homeland. Odysseus …show more content…

Values: The Greeks clearly value courage and leadership, two qualities quickly seen in Odysseus. They also value the ability to improvise, as Odysseus is forced into many situations where his own ingenuity is the only thing he can rely on. 4. Main Characters: • Odysseus is the brave but imperfect protagonist. The plot of The Odyssey centers on his twenty-year journey to return from the Trojan War to his home city of Ithaca, where he is king. • Telemachus is Odysseus’ only child. Though young, he is brave, and it is often remarked by others that the gods have great plans for him. During The Odyssey, he travels to Pylos and Sparta in search of his father. • Athene is the goddess who favors Odysseus and Telemachus. She wishes for the return of Odysseus, and it is thanks to her in part that Odysseus survives. • Antinous and Eurymachus are the leaders of the suitors. They are the most outspoken of the group, and they often convince the group to unite under their schemes. • The suitors as a whole are one of the main antagonists in The Odyssey. Though many of them are unnamed and some are only briefly mentioned, they are characterized as a group that takes advantage of Telemachus’ youth, wasting what he owns while trying to court his

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