
Qin Dynasty Imperialism

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In the years following the Zhou leaders, the Qin dynasty rose to power, taking control of the country and altering the manner in which it was ruled and which people lived. During the Qin reign, mandatory service in the military was instated. Once a boy was of age, he was required to serve in the military, pay land taxes and perform a yearly labor service. Shang Yang, the emperor, divided his people into groups. It was the responsibility of the groups to monitor each other and to turn in those who failed to comply. If they opted to turn a blind eye, and were caught, the entire group was punished. This method of ruling worked well. As an incentive for the people to comply, the Qin rulers adopted “legalism,” which is a school of thought that every person would have the same rights and opportunities, regardless of their heredity. No longer were the children of the privileged given special treatment. Even the ruler’s …show more content…

The Han’s adopted the legalist government structure and allowed for some of the land to be transferred back to deposed kings. While its power rose, the Han’s began to require their subjects revert to the teachings of Confucius and developed the Imperial Academy. The academy’s focus was to teach students the teachings and Confucius and its popularity spread over the next century to include thousands of students. Ban Zhao came to teach at the academy. She was known for teaching about the role of women, both in the home and society. Parents of young girls sought to send their children to her school and when women took power, they sought out Ban as a member of their staff or a mentor. Ban was highly regarded by both men and women and her teaching continued to be taught for centuries after her death. The invention of paper was also a huge achievement at that same time and spread drastically over the next several hundred years, through China, Asia, into the Middle East and

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