
Ptlls Assignment 1

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T1 ASSESSMENT PTLLS USING THE FIVE DIFFERENT STAGES OF THE TEACHING CYCLE DESCRIBE THE ROLES, RESPONSIBILITIS AND BOUNDARIES. Alexandra Kennedy-Stamos 10/04/11 In this assignment we will be looking at the five stages of the teaching cycle and once identified describing their roles, responsibilities and boundaries. The cycle can be followed by teacher and learner alike and must be followed for learning to be truly effective as described in the following quote: Ann Gravells (2008: 27) “It’s called as cycle as you can start at any point, but you must follow through all the other points for teaching and learning to be effective.” We will join the teaching cycle at the “Identify needs”. This is the most important stage of the teaching …show more content…

Susan Wallace (2007:114) “A key consideration in the planning of any lesson, therefore, is that it should create learning activities which are accessible to all learners and which do not make any learner feel excluded, directly or by implication” The lecturer needs to be aware of the awarding body’s requirements while devising a scheme of work, time restraints within a lesson will mean that you have to keep to your aims and objectives and that they are realistic resources need to be reasonable and not outside the reach of any student/ lecturer/ learning facility’s budget. Delivery and Facilitate The delivery or lecture (call it what you will) is the method of getting the information over to your learners, it’s all about how you deliver the lesson as to it being a success or failure. It is the purpose of delivery and facilitating to ensure that as Susan Wallace (2007:95) states “the body of knowledge or set of competences which must be transferred to the learner.” The act of facilitator enables the students to be guided by the lecturer and “allows” the students to become responsible for their own development, only stepping in when needed. There is a balance between Lecturer and Facilitator mode. The lecturer must also take into consideration all of the legislative laws and implement them where’s required. It is the lecturer’s responsibility to also:- A, Create a positive classroom environment which is safe, friendly and inclusive to all learners. B, Begin lessons

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