
Psy 270 Week 1 Assignment

Satisfactory Essays

When my family and I decided to move to the United States, I began a process of adaptation to a new culture and language. However, this process of adaptation helped me develop a sensitivity to cultural differences and the values of individuals from different cultures. I arrived to this country in July 12, 2012, and I was excited to continue studying Psychology. However, I needed to be fluent in English and wait a year to become a Florida resident before I could begin studying. I considered this period of my life to be frustrating, as I wanted to learn about Psychology. I thought this represented an obstacle or a waste of time that was preventing me from continuing studying, however, I had to see it as an opportunity to really learn the language, and learn to be persistent if I wanted to achieve my goal of becoming a counselor.
I finally started my first year of college at Miami Dade College in January 2014. During my adaptation to the new educational system, my Abnormal Psychology class professor mentioned how important it would be to participate in an Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training. I consider this to be very useful in today’s society where many individuals suffer from depression.
When I transferred to Florida International University (FIU) in January 2015, I was invited to become a member of a national honor society …show more content…

This lab gave me the opportunity to interact with counselors and patients. Some of my responsibilities were to enter and analyze data in SPSS, and to help counselors with questionnaires for clients. Here, I also had the opportunity to apply my knowledge from previous classes to research where attention to details is very important. I also gained information about cases of anxiety and different types of phobias and learned that reassured that CBT is very effective in the treatment of these

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