
Propaganda In Animal Farm Essay

Decent Essays

Animal farm is a renowned, allegorical novella written by George Orwell in 1945, which can be interpreted to have a hidden political meaning behind it referring to the Russian Revolution. Throughout this novella, the author purposely positions the audience to make judgements based on sensible, moral perception to show that Orwell effectively revealed how the pigs exploited a vast majority of propaganda techniques to deceptively manipulate the values, attitudes and beliefs of the other animals, with full intention of complete social control. This was exposed to the reader when the three main values of ‘Animalism’, as outlined in Old Major's speech, which consists of freedom, unity and equality, are abused for the pigs own advantage. This task …show more content…

These commandments were to “form an unalterable law” (pg.17) but as the pigs quickly began to realise that their mental capabilities outshone the other animals, their self entitled supremacy rose with it. Their constant desire for power then followed and they believed that their egotistical ideals were not something to be reckoned with, therefore manipulating the commandments to their own liking. This was exemplified when the commandments are gradually undermined by the pigs to; “no animal must sleep in a bed” to “no animal must sleep in a bed with sheets” (pg.17,50), and “no animal shall kill any other animal” to “no animal shall kill any other animal without cause” (pg.17, 66)( Dr Jennifer Minter, English Works, 2016). The pigs act as if they are abiding by the commandments to gain the trust from the mindless animals using strategical manipulation strategies, then later reveal their true intentions in a time and way that no animal is cunning enough to challenge them, making them all powerless to protesting against the supremacy. A representation of this occurs by all the original commandments being erased and replaced with the new guiding principle “all animals are equal but some are more equal than others” (pg.

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