
Presumed Consent Paper

Decent Essays

Presumed Consent had its positive effect that which can truly benefits the community in developed country. Both of the positive effect on the community are increasing overall organ donation and reducing crime rate in the community.
Presumed Consent can increase overall organ donation rate which able to save more life in the community. In fact, higher organ donation rate guarantees greater overall number of organ number of organ transplant and lower demand on new organ supply. Furthermore, the number of death patient waiting for new organ can be reduced and many lives can be saved within presumed consent organ donation system. As published in BMC Medicine, stated that ‘opt-out consent (presumed consent) also associated with an increase in the total number of livers and kidneys transplant’. James Mclntosh (2014) has stated Spain is the most successful country that has the highest organ donation rate. The reason behind the success is that Spain fully make efficient use of media to spread across the public information about presumed consent organ donation to public. Furthermore, Spain also had transplant coordinator teams and better facility that would greatly aid the donors (James Mclntosh 2014). In other words, presumed consent can improve …show more content…

The definition of black market is a market hidden away from the sight of police that sells illegal items such as weapons, drug and even unauthorized removal organ. ‘'Opt Out' System Could Solve Donor Organ Shortage, Says Researcher’ (2008, para. 7) features Dr John Troyer has stated that “organs such as kidneys are being sold by living donors for large sums of money”. In Presumed Consent, everyone is presumed to donate organ to medical sector which lower the value of organ supply. With everyone’s contribution in presumed consent organ donation system, the community can become a safer place for us and our next

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