
Poverty And Its Effects On Society

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Poverty is about not having enough money to meet basic needs including food, clothing and shelter. However poverty is more than not just having money. In addition to a lack of money, poverty is about not being able to participate in recreational activities; Not being able to send children on a day trip with classmates or to a birthday party, and not being able to pay for medications in times of illness. The poorest people will also have less access to health, education and other vital services. Problems of hunger, malnutrition and disease afflict the poorest in society. The poorest are also typically marginalized from society and have little representation or voice in public and political debates, making it even harder to escape poverty. Poverty is a direct threat to society and equal rights in America. There is no one cause of poverty, and the results of it are different in every case, poverty varies considerably depending on the situation. Feeling poor in canada is different from living in poverty in Russia or Zimbabwe. The differences between rich and poor within the borders of a country can also be great. There is no one measure that gives a complete picture of the situation regarding deprivation, poverty, and social exclusion. This is particularly true for a country like Ireland that has experienced rapid economic growth over the last ten years. Therefore, a number of indicators are used to measure progress in achieving social inclusion covering areas such as income

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