
Political Parties Of The United States : The Democratic And Republic Parties

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There are two main political parties that dominate politics in the in the United States: The Democratic and Republic Parties. It turns out that these two political parties are opposed to each other on a wide range of issues that affect American public life. Unfortunately, many Americans are unaware of these differences between the two parties and tend to vote their officials into office in an uneducated manner. This often results in the political gridlock that often characterize government business in Washington. The Republican and Democratic Party don 't have much in common but they do have a a lot of things that they oppose from each other. Some issues that both parties have in common support the death penalty. But on issues like abortion Democrats think that should be made legal while Republicans think that it should be illegal. In this essay, I shall examine the ideological positions of either party on a number of these issues in order to define my own allegiance towards either of them. The government has control over taxes, government spending, and public policies. There are two types of fiscal policies, expansionary and contractionary, which can increase or decrease taxes and government spending. The Republican Party on the issue is that our citizens should not have the power to address changes in the government. The Republican Party should set taxes at a fixed price as well. This policy, along with a Flat tax system, could mean that the upper-class citizens would

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