
Political Ideology : The World Is More Dangerous Than Sincere Ignorance And Conscientious Stupidity

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Political Ideology Essay “Nothing in all the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity.” –Martin Luther King Jr. Even as a young American Citizen, without the right to vote just yet, I have developed a political ideology based on specific issues and their direct effect on not only my life, but also those close to me. Many of us have a vision of what is best for our country. The belief system you choose to attach yourself to, ultimately shapes who you are as a person, while also defining what you stand for. Political views have been split into two perspectives, liberal and conservative. Although present issues may simply boil down to everyone wanting the same things in life, such as freedom, a fair chance to prosper, limit those suffering as much as possible, and a environment that provides a healthy and safe future for our children, the argument is often derived from different approaches in achieving these goals. My political ideology was largely influenced by the approach to dealing with particular issues involving, the economy, civil rights, same sex unions and gun control. My political ideology has developed on a foundation of one general important concept, genuine care and concern for ALL people. Simply stated, I believe in equal justice for all, not separate justice for some. My beliefs have been shaped by the opportunity to obtain information on specific issues and how particular groups choose to handle them. I stand strong

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