
Political Differences : Conservatism And Liberalism In Canada

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Canada has been an independent nation for over 150 years, so it makes sense that there has been numerous changes in the government, since the government has to reflect its society, and as time changes so does its government. However, some ideologies do not believe it should change in order to keep up with its time. Oxford Dictionary states that the definition of an ideology is “A system of ideas and ideals, especially one which forms the basis of economic or political theory and policy.” There are various forms of political ideologies; conservatism and liberalism are being brought up for discussion about what makes conservatives and liberals so different in Canada. Throughout the years, the Canadian government has rotated between liberalism and conservatism, these ideologies share some similarities; however, it can be argued that the significant differences are their political, social, and economic views. The government determines how well the state will function, the analogy of the car and driver helps simplify how the government and state correlate. The car represents the state and the driver represents the government, so depending how well the driver treats the car determines how well the car will function; for instance, if the driver is not good then switching drivers will change how the car will work (Brodie, 2014). Through a political lens, it is evident to see the distinct difference between conservatism and liberalism in Canada. Conservatives are right wing on the

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