
•Players Who Participate In Athletics Consent And Assume

Decent Essays

• Players who participate in athletics consent and assume risk if injury occurs as an aspect of the game. Thus, players who take part in such a dangerous sport as hockey accept the dangers that inhere in it so far as they are obvious and necessary (People v. Schacker). However, if the dangers inherent in the sport were obscure or unobserved or so serious as to justify the belief that precautions of some kind must have been taken to avert them. People engaged in athletic competition are generally held to have legally assumed the risk of injuries, which are known, apparent and reasonably foreseeable consequences of participation. A complainant does not assume the risk of reckless or intentional conduct. Injuries must be so severe as to be …show more content…

However, simply because an “individual consents to participate in an event where violence is usual does not mean that that individual consents to any act committed against him in the event” (Hackbart v. Cincinnati Bengals). Despite the violent nature of [boxing], there are rules prohibiting certain conduct…[such as the biting off a piece of an opponents ear] the very existence of such rules demonstrates that there are boundaries to what constitutes acceptable behavior in the sport (Hackbart v. Cincinnati Bengals). In this situation it is not reasonably foreseeable for a boxing opponent to bite another boxers ear. The biting of an opponent’s ear is intentional and reckless conduct which did not fall within normal conduct of the sport of boxing and the boxer who bit his opponents ear will likely be liable for prosecution (Regina v McSorley).
c) In frustration, a professional golfer throws a golf ball high in the air behind him and it hits another golfer who was fixing his shoe.
• It is highly likely that the professional golfer that threw the ball in anger behind him will be liable for a tortious action. A golfer tends not to consent or assume the risk of a hidden or undisclosed danger, not of common knowledge, in the absence of warning or personal knowledge. In golf, it is common practice for a golfer to issue a warning if his shot deviates from the intended target (Shin

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