
Plant Based Food And The Benefits Of Plant-Based Food

Decent Essays

The plant based food requires less energy because plants have less embedded energy in them and meat takes more energy to be processed. For example, tomatoes have the need of less processing to go through and take less energy. Whereas, the meat consists more processing steps in order of the product to be produced. A plant based food takes an average of 3 to 4 steps and a meat takes an average of 8 steps in order for the product to be complete.
3. We as consumer have the choice on what we eat. For example, if we consume more plant based foods, the demand would increase for plant based foods. As a result of it, more stores will start to distribute less meat because of higher demands for plant based foods.
4. If manure from farms contaminates surface and ground water, more energy is produced because of the chemical used.
5. As a result, of fertilizers and pesticides the polluted water can be a problem for private wells and rivers that gets the drainage of the water system. I feel like the government is responsible for this. We as individuals do our part by paying taxes and making sure we are helping out the earth. However, the government must make sure that the taxes that we pay, should be used to ensure that water treatment is being done to keep the water clean.
6. Nutrient enrichment and eutrophication is needed to algae bloom and that’s where the food cycle supports the ecosystem. This can help in further ecosystem degradation.
7. Energy use is a concern because it

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