
Persuasive Speech : Six Reasons To Oppose The Death Penalty

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Thesis: No civilized country should have the power to kill their own citizens. Telling people not to kill by killing people, isn’t really a great example, it is rather morally hypocritical. The death penalty violates religious views, it is not a deterrent for other crimes, and it is more costly than profitable.

I. The Attention Step

Attention: Did you know that since the reinstatement of the death penalty in the United States in 1976, 138 innocent men and women have been released from death row, including some who came within minutes of execution. In Missouri, Texas and Virginia investigations have been opened to determine if those states executed innocent men. (“The Pacts: 13 Reasons to Oppose the Death Penalty”) To execute an innocent person is morally reprehensible; this is a risk we cannot take.

Significance: We are a nation at risk. The Unites States is the only country in the Western industrialized world that still uses the death penalty. Since 1990, 30 countries have abolished the death penalty. Among the 74 countries who continue to execute, a tiny group accounts for the vast majority of the world’s executions each year; China, Iran, Vietnam and the United States. (“Six Reasons to Oppose the Death Penalty”)

Relevance: The death penalty kills the innocent, the exact people it is suppose to protect. These people could be your family or your friends. Support is needed to abolish capital punishment.

Credibility: After extensive research on many death penalty cases

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