
Persuasive Speech - Original Writing

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Competition “There is always room for Improvement.”, “good things come to those willing to work for it.”. When I was little I used to play softball. I started to play for fun, something to do on my down time since living on a dead end dirt road with four houses vacated by old people with no younger kids to play with got pretty boring. This was my way to simply meet new kids and have fun outside but it ended up turning in to so much more. I played season after season getting progressively better and better. I would spend hours outside with my dad after games and after practices and on off days just throwing the ball back and forth and practicing my batting stance on my little tee in my yard. We would throw until we couldn’t see the ball anymore because the sun had gone down and the sky turned dark. Even then, my dad would have to argue with me to come inside because I just wanted to keep practicing. I had a team to be better for, I wanted to be the best one out there and I wanted to feel the thrill of winning. I wanted to make my friends proud, my coaches proud, my parents proud and most importantly myself proud. There was no better feeling then seeing your hard work put in to action. The best way I can describe winning, is just an overwhelming feeling on pride, there is a certain fullness you feel, and once you feel it you never want to let it go. every time I did good I wanted to push myself harder so I could feel the thrill again, and every time I didn’t perform up to

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