
Persuasive Speech On Euthanasia

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Imagine this, you are lying in your death bed, enduring unimaginable excruciating pain, and you are only surviving with needles pumping substances in and out of you, day and night, while your life is slowly being snuffed out. Would you die slowly, experiencing inhuman suffer knowing that you can never escape the inevitable, living in fear of tomorrow, or would you choose to die a quick, painless and dignified death. And this choice introduces me to my speech topic – why should euthanasia be legalized? But firstly, we must ask ourselves: What makes us ‘human’? Our dignity. But what defines dignity? It is the ability to determine our destiny as individuals and is facilitated by our ability to think for ourselves. Imagine a life where an …show more content…

Do we, who so desire a good death, have the right to judge others’ state when we know nothing of it? Do we have the right to compare their experiences day by day, having experienced none of them, and say that they don’t deserve to die with dignity, the way they want to die? NO. Nobody has the right to deny the dignified death that we ourselves naturally desire. It would be selfish to do so, and we would be forcing him to fulfill our desires, and restrict the patient’s freedom to self-determine, and take away the patient’s right to choose for himself. A lot of people think that the practice of euthanasia infringes on a person’s fundamental right to live. What they fail to see is that our “life” as human beings implies death. Without death, we do not have “human life” by its very definition. Like black and white or two sides of a coin, human life cannot occur without death. Therefore, for those that argue that every man has the fundamental right to live, they unknowingly also agree that every man has the fundamental right to die. Beyond the philosophical implications of man’s right to live or die lies man’s explicit and fundamental right to choose. Because we can determine the course of our lives by our own will, we have the right to live our lives and determine our own course. Naturally it follows that the same self-determining

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