
School Start Times Essay

Decent Essays

School Start Times Have you ever been exhausted in the morning and feel like you needed more sleep or that you can’t get up? Schools should make sure their students are well rested and ready for a long day of school. School should start later in the morning so students can get a full nine plus hours of sleep. Students will be more aware and alert which will help them learn. Also teachers will also be more awake and in better moods Just like us. Schools should start later in the morning in order for students and teachers to have better concentration, energy, and attitudes. Students need a lot of concentration to work hard. When they are tired and drowsy and they are unable to think as well. Also, students need to think clearly when they are writing papers, do classwork and be able to understand the work that is given in class. If they don’t have enough sleep they will have many mistakes and will not be able to do their job well. If it is the first class of the day, students may fall asleep or not listen to the important things that are said or teach in their class even though out the day. Schools should start at 9:30, and should end around 3:30. Let’s say a student has a lot of homework one night and so he or she goes to bed at 11:00 p.m. “the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the American Academy of Pediatricians (AAP) — have expounded on the health benefits of a later school start time for older students. Thanks to hormones and bodily changes, many teens have a harder time falling asleep at night and therefore a harder time dragging themselves out of bed in the morning.”(Source: “Later school start times are a good idea — but they won't be cheap”). So given a later start times students would not have to wake up at 6:30 a.m. but would get to wake up at around 8:00 a.m. and get a full nine hours of sleep or more. In Addition, some students also have to walk to there bus stop in the morning that make them more tried But, if they had more time that problem would be resolved. Some suggestions is If they prefer mornings, they can go to bed early, wake up earlier and still complete their homework. Whether they are a morning or a night person, the student will be well rested and alert for a

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